The Battle Against Heartbreaks in a Relationship: Doing The Needful When He/She Walks Out

We are now in a stage where heartbreak has now become so common that everyone jokes about it and see it as normal stuff. It has gotten to an extent that when people see others in love, all they would say is: " it will end in tears".

So now, nobody cares again because everybody believes it will end in tears.

If you are in a relationship right now and you believe or expect it to end in tears, you're standing a greater chance of risk in the future.

Meanwhile, causes of breakup in a relationship could be; 

  • Bad behavior
  • Cheating
  • Misdirected anger
  • Being unsupportive
  • Toxic people
  • Withholding affection and attention
  • Lying
  • Stealing

Let's put memes aside and talk facts today, people are going through hell.

90% of guys that ask you (ladies) out are only coming to zoom zoom zoom. Do you get it? If you don't get it, forget about it.

Nowadays, 90% of girls look at a guy's financial status before accepting proposals. You know he's a student and you can't date him because he doesn't own a car or use the latest phones.

Your parents are the only ones responsible to pay your bills, it's not the duty or responsibility of your aunty, uncle, boyfriend, girlfriend, or any other person, to give you money or take care of you. Anyone who is not your parent, but takes care of you and spends on you, is only doing so because he/she loves you.

You can be angry at your sweetheart for not spending on you only if you know they can do so. Well oftentimes, you are not even supposed to ask things from your boyfriend or girlfriend, if he/she knows you need something and they have it. He/she should give you, if not, it simply implies he/she doesn't love you. But you know your lover is struggling and you're still asking them for this or that, you don't love him/her. Either way. Then it's your fault if a fight breaks out.

You don't expect anyone to go steal because of you.

In most cases, it's hilarious that some girls can't pay a visit to their boyfriend without they getting transport fare.

You're showing the qualities of a slut, the guy will not take you seriously. Some girls won't allow their boyfriend to rest – always placing a demand on the unnecessary.

For guys now, you will have the money, you know her needs but will wait for her to ask or even refuse to give her when she asks.

Eventually, she will go get it somewhere else and you will lose her to those people who are ready to help. Some guys will use their waywardness and responsible lifestyle to chase away a girl who is supposed to change their life, create a good mother for their children. They will be like, "girls are plenty out there". Till they end up marrying someone else who would make life miserable.

Nobody is successful alone. It's important to build healthy, inspiring, supportive relationships. The most significant factors in any person's life are the people. And this has been true for most people.

Do you know that if you change only one thing in your life, the people, you'll have increased your chance of success by ten times?

No matter what’s happened, just have it that every problem in a relationship can be fixed.

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