Terrorism: Nigerian Women Challenge President Buhari On Mother's Day

Ellen White once wrote regarding the power of a mother’s prayers,

"The power of a mother’s prayers cannot be too highly estimated. She who kneels beside her son and daughter through the vicissitudes of childhood, through the perils of youth, will never know till the judgment the influence of her prayers upon the life of her children..."

While some countries have a multi-century history of a day to celebrate mothers, Nigerian mothers decided to observe that day in a way far beyond the norm, distinctive and without equal.

Mother's Day as we all know, is a celebration observed to honor the mother of the family or individual, as well as motherhoodmaternal bonds, as well as the influence of mothers in society. It is a perpetual celebration on various days in many parts of the world, mostly noted in the months of March or May.

Every mother would want her children or child to succeed in life. There is an incomprehensive shift that occurs when parents, especially mothers,  intercede on behalf of their children. I still get goose bumps as I recall an experience when I was critically ill and eventually got heal because my mom was praying for my well-being. I can't explain it, but I felt such hope. We all do have one or more experience(s) in one way or the other,  when our mothers take a chance to pray. No doubt,  no one would want to see his or her mother shed tears.

Then how much more when mothers of Nigeria mourn about the killings, and pray for the betterment of Nigeria's circumstance — a state of uncertainty and confusion, where leadership tolerates or overlooks injustice and insecurities to the detriment of the dear and innocent lives. You may not have experienced the kidnapping and massacre of both young and old,  but might have read, and have seen on broadcasting media and social media.

Meanwhile here are statements made by a woman leader to the Nigerian President, Muhammadu Buhari covered by Nija Eye.

In her speech she said,  

"Your life can be snuffed from you in a jiffy and nobody cares. So we mourn. So I come as a woman, and as a mother. And I kneel before you Mr.  President.  On behalf of the next generation being killed,  on behalf of the peaceful Christians, who do not wish any harm upon this country, whom some people have sworn to sweep out of our country.

We love our country,  we have served this country,  we are faithful and loyal persons. On behalf of all of us (women), I appeal to your sense of being a father,  I appeal to your sense sir, of being a grandfather,  I appeal to your sense of being a decent Muslim man; Islam is peace,  I appeal to that sense.

 Islam cannot take the peace of somebody and be peaceful,  I appeal to that sense sir. I appeal to the sense of being a general,  who was trained to defend the country,  not a tribe,  not a section but a country.  I appeal to that sense sir,  I appeal to the fact that you are a general to stand up and do what you need to do.  

I appeal to the fact,  to me this is indeed, the real thing, that you are the commander chief of the Armed forces. Speak a word today, give the Army the permission, the military, give them permission and see whether this nonsense doesn't stop in one day... I plead with you sir in the name of Allah whom you serve, stop this mayhem. You can do it, sir.  It's in your power. May posterity not judge you sir, and somebody who sat down and watched a whole nation collapse.

You did not keep your word.  Your promise to us was that,  you were for nobody, and were for all of us. I challenge you today to be for all of us. God bless you sir."

God loves mothers and children, and He particularly will intervene for Nigeria at the peak of injustice and their cohorts. Nigerian mother's prayer for her children is powerful, and it can move mountains.

Justice and peace of Nigeria must be served and maintained as terrorism is completely wiped out according to the Nigerian pledge.

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