See Where Nigeria Is In The World Of Artificial Intelligence

Robert Black, Former Chief Electrician's mate United States Navy once said,

"Just about major technological advancement that we enjoy today was created in the last 100 years".

It's indeed mind blowing that our routine has been digitized in all its aspects, and not only for the issue of communication, but it's cut across our daily life substituting manual or human effort — whether it is to clean the house, to cook, to trim our flowers, to improve  security, swimming, buy clothes or to listen to music. The reality is that technology has made life much easier for us. 

What was previously unfathomable is now not only possible, but is something that we resemble as normal. In case you would take your thought afar off, do you remember how complicated it was to keep accounts manually?

Yet speaking of technology, Nigeria has numerous problems, but only a few fundamental ones: a dysfunctional socio-political structure, intensely entrenched corruption, and an unproductive economy.

"The more things change, the more they remain the same."

Although, these are all phrases that could characterise Nigeria at any point within the last fifty years — Widespread poorness, weak institutions, endemic corruption, political unbalance, massive social conflict, you can name  them all. 

An amber over through recent decades would reveal that none of these problems are new even at any point within the  years ago.

Just a glance at smartphones, the first smartphone was the iphone, and it was released in January 2007. Yes of course, that's right the first flat touchscreen phone that we all know and love today is only 13years plus, well almost 14 years old.

And in those short years, it has exploded into a multi billion dollar industry with numerous brands and models with billions of apps across multiple platforms with the IOS and Android platforms being the most popular. 

South Korea is also ranged among the world's most technologically advanced and digitally connected countries with the third most broadband Internet users among the OECD countries — a global leader in electronics, digital displays, semiconductor devices, and mobile phones.

Well, obviously, It's never a debatable possibility to the average Nigerian that Nigeria has not fundamentally changed.   It is seeming  that the persistence of Nigeria’s problems is not due to a shortage of awareness, campaign promises, or resources

However, Nigeria deserves the best of Technology because she has a lot potentials to engage yet no platforms.

Science and technology hold the key to Nigeria reaching its full potential. But unfortunately Unemployment rates have been a growing problem in Nigeria for years.

Nigeria's unemployment crisis is rapidly getting out of hand, with around 22million unable to work and unable to earn. It's quite alarming.
So you happen to see potentially gifted Nigerians grab the slimmest opportunities going overseas  to get the following jobs andeventually get settled as citizens:
—Baby sitters
—Registers nurses
—ICT personnel 
—Automobile designers, etc

Every Asian country, especially China and Korea, are in great pursuit for  aggressive initiatives with major investment in research and development. What about infrastructure and educational capacity? Checking the past five years, Asia’s share of global research and development investment has rapidly increased from 33% to  35.8% perhaps it's up to 40%. China has gone up from 10% to 18%, making it the second largest spender after the USA. With time, a little margin to become first largest spender worldwide with their current artificial intelligence.

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  1. Mehn It's shocking 😨😨😨

  2. You mean this is Nigeria technology and am still not feeling it yet, am i still in Nigeria sef
