Ritual killings are a common practice in Nigeria, especially in southern and eastern Nigeria. Writers and media have gathered so many incidences about ritual killings as it continues to be practiced in Nigeria, and has become more prevalent since 1999. Although a research associate at the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London has researched and written on Nigerian religions stated in correspondence with the Research Directorate that ritual murder does occur in Nigeria, it is not a "systematic practice"
A report has it that ritual murder is not limited to any specific part of the country and every region, tribe and state has its share of the scourge.
While yet speaking of ritual killings, kidnapping and serial killings work hand-in-hand too.
Just a quick one, In 2010, a newspaper reported that dead bodies with missing organs were being found out daily on a road close to Lagos State University that was described as a "hot spot for ritual killers". While another reported in February 2011 that, in the same area, ten people had been killed in suspected ritual murders in the preceding two months.
The kidnapping rate of both young and old for ritual murder and selling of parts for money grows every year.
If only you know how much your body parts are priced at the human parts market, you will understand why kidnappers, serial killers, and ritualists are on a rampage.
Always be careful with all your dealings with people, especially strangers daily. That the legislative laws and orders according to criminal code 1990 and so forth...have been enacted, should not in any way, be a guarantee for negligence. You need to be careful with your going out and coming in. Look around you. Turn on the TV. Read the tweets. It's high time cautious measures be ensured. Be security conscious at all times. Parents and school management should be alert at any slightest unusual questionable movement, and strange faces so that innocent children would not fall victims anymore. This also applies to workplaces and at homes. It's very crucial.