This is us on the verge of destruction. We tore the world apart but decided together never again. I don’t know about you but 2020 was the strangest, most jumbled year I can ever remember. Recently I took a look at some of what we all faced on the economic front in 2020, much of it related to the pandemic. Then COVID-19 hit and, of course, everything changed dramatically. We need a vaccine for everybody everywhere because we will only be safe if everybody is safe.
However, the year 2021 holds an unfathomable, fast-paced push of revolution including some good news on the horizon.
The United Nations has declared 2021 as the International Year of Peace and Trust, the International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development, the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables, and the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour.
Moreover, earnestly speaking it's possible to get back on track if we can reconsider certain questions we could ask ourselves.
We've pushed the world to the verge of destruction, but we
decided it was possible to cooperate.
We lost lives and many of us needlessly died. But we decided
it was possible to work together to end a virus. And yet we continued to tear
apart our planet, but we decided it was possible to re-write our rules to
change our future.
This is us now facing a crisis that knows no borders. This
is us apart. It’s time to decide- what’s possible?
Can we power the future with a new energy?
Can we restore
our home and all agree that people and nature thrive together?
Can we transform the way we form so that we all have enough to eat?
Today we make history in humanity’s efforts to combat climate change.
This is us on the verge of history. We have a chance for
better. But only we decide it’s possible. Our future is ours to decide.
#It’s Possible!
Please let's be responsible. Let's stop the spread of corona viral. Let's apply some precautious measures to stay safe.
Let just hope for a better years ahead, with God we all will be restored