Remember the Official trailer Transformers, a series of American science fiction action films based on the Transformers franchise which began in the 1980s and proceeded until December 21, 2018?
You gotta understand more by watching this short video:
It's amazing, right? Video credit. thanks to Letron & ViralHog.
I once read that when a car enthusiast explains their love of cars to a “normal” person, it sounds the same as someone who really loved washing machines explaining their passion. If you envision someone going on about the perfect BMW Letron, it does seem a touch tedious.
Imagine rocking up with this to a car show!
If Ferrari and this car cost the same, which one will you take?
Of course, you know the best choice. For a few of you, you would have chosen the Transformer...get booking and public appearances and use that income to invest and then buy a Ferrari while still making money from the initial investment. In essence 2 for 1.
Watch the video: Engineers just turned this drivable BMW into a real-life transformer!
According to the dealers, The Letron can move its head and arms, activate lights and sounds, and poot smoke. When in car mode, the Letron can move and turn under its own electric power, but things get interesting when the transformation is triggered.
The Letron is for sale but the company won’t sell their impressive robot car hybrid to just anyone, saying that the buyer’s reasons for wanting the vehicle must meet the company’s “criteria” – though they don’t specify what this criteria entails.
No prices have been publicly revealed for those wanting a life-sized functional version of their favorite toy, however we’re pretty sure it’s going to be the reserve of gadget loving billionaires.
Thanks for reading and watching.
Nice ride.